Monday, February 26, 2007

Housework Divided

Check out this post from zuzu at feministe about splitting up the housework.

Tracy Clark-Flory at Broadsheet writes about a BBC report of a study showing that single women who live alone clean less than women who live with a male partner — and that men who live with a female partner clean less than they did when they lived alone.

I believe I have a partner who does more housework then I observe in other relationships and tv,etc. But there are still "discussions" about whether the division of work is equal. It's difficult since I think you also have to take into account the traditionally male tasks such as mowing the lawn, taking the trash out, and painting the deck (of course women are doing these tasks too).

In my case I know for sure the following applies:
I was much neater, at least in common areas, when I had a roommate,

When Ramble is away for weeks at a time I definitely let things pile up, and do a mad cleanup before he comes home.


Anonymous said...

Yes! I've actually been speeking with Batty on the telephone when she frantically had to hang up because she only had minutes to clean up before ramble got home!!!

Anonymous said...

I would say that I do the majority of housework; however, I'm quite fortunate to have a boyfriend who always picks up after himself and does chores without me having to ask him. He's not afraid to use the washing machine! He takes out the trash, fills, starts and unloads the dishwasher, and, he will do anything I ask him without any complaints or whining!! I'm happy with the way things are.